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ANNOUCEMENTS available under Evictions (scroll down)


Justice of the Peace, Precinct #4

Judge Mark A. Finlay

P. O. Box 508 /Corner of 3rd and Ave F Markham, Texas 77456 (Next to Community Center)                                                        

979-843-5471 (fax)


Court Staff

Debbie Mendieta - Chief Clerk 

Kristine Morales - Court Clerk

Constable David Miles

Deputy Constable Tyler Miles

Deputy Constable Jacob Miles

Spanish Available 

Español Disponible 


Office Hours:  

Monday - 7:00 -5:00

Tuesday - 7:00 - 5:00

Wednesday - 7:00 - 5:00   

Thursday - 7:00 - 5:00

Friday - 8:00-12:00 

September Pretrial hearings will be held on Monday, September 23, 2024 @ 10:00 in the 23rd District court room at 1700 Seventh Street in Bay City, Texas

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  • If you need to return a Jury Summons to our office please use the following information. 

    In person: 3rd and Ave F Markham, Texas 77456

    By mail: Justice of the Peace, Pct. 4

                   P.O. Box 508

           Markham, Texas 77456


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  • If you have been issued a traffic citation, the following plea options are available:

    1. Guilty or No Contest (fine and court costs are assessed)

    2. Not Guilty (your case will be set for a Pre-Trial Hearing with the Assistant District Attorney)


    A defendant who is convicted of a criminal offense punishable by fine only is entitled to alternative methods of satisfying the judgment against them if they are unable to pay the fine or costs, in whole or in part.

    Those alternative methods include:

    1. A payment plan, allowing the defendant to make payments toward the fine and costs in designated intervals. Note that if any amount is paid more than 30 days after the judgment assessing the fine or costs then a $15 time payment fee must be assessed.

    2. Disposition of the amount assessed by performing community service.There are many options that meet the requirements of the law for community service, see Art. 45.049 of the Code of Criminal Procedure for full details.A defendant is entitled to a minimum of $100 credit for every 8 hours of community service performed.

    3. If performing community service imposes an undue hardship, a defendant who is indigent or who lacks sufficient resources to pay may be entitled to a waiver of the fine and costs, in whole or in part.

    For Driver Safety Course Request, please review the following instructions.

    Driving Safety Course Instructions


    If defendant does not have sufficient resources to pay, an affidavit must be completed and submitted to our court for review. 

    Affidavit of Indigence

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