There is little threat of a serious accident at STP, but just in case, here is the most important information you and your family need to know if you live within ten miles of the nuclear plant. Matagorda County has four methods to promptly notify you if there is an accident at STP - IPAWS, alert radios, a computerized telephone calling system, and route alerting. These systems also may be activated in case of other types of emergencies in the county.
During an actual emergency, listen to radio stations local EAS Station or NOAA Radio for official news and instructions from Matagorda County emergency management officials.

Alert Radios For STP Nuclear Plant
Alert radios are provided if requested to area residents who live within ten miles of STP. The radios are preset to NOAA radio Frequency 162.425. NOAA radios are preset to receive Matagorda County information. If you have been provided with an alert radio, please plug in your alert radio and put it on “standby” to automatically receive broadcast information. The emergency alert system radio will sound a warning tone for several seconds before an emergency news announcement. The radios are periodically tested. If you have any questions about the emergency alert system or problems with your radio, please call Matagorda County Office Emergency Management at (979) 323-0707.
Telephone Autodialer
If you have a telephone and live inside the 10-mile radius of the nuclear plant, you may receive a computerized telephone call. The call will advise you to turn on your radio to hear official news broadcasts. For an STP event, during the computerized call, you will be asked to respond by touching “9” if you understand the message or “6” if you do not. This will let Matagorda County officials know if you have received and understood the message. Celanese, LyondellBasell, OXEA and Markham Industrial Group also use the telephone autodialer to make emergency notifications to the residents living near those facilities.
Official News Broadcasts
During an emergency, the radio stations listed above will be the first media to receive situation updates and protective action recommendations from county officials. All messages will be repeated frequently throughout an incident. Although television stations also may broadcast emergency information, these radio stations should be considered the official news sources during an emergency in Matagorda County. Follow the instructions given to you by Matagorda County officials. You may be asked to take shelter in your home or to leave the area. The following pages will tell you what to do in either case.
Route Alerting
Law enforcement or local fire departments may assist in notifying residents by driving through areas and using a public address system to provide emergency information.